Wednesday, January 11, 2012


In approximately two weeks, I will be boarding a plane to begin my four month experience abroad in the beautiful country of Madagascar. I am still working full time as an Energy Fellow at URI, taking a mini-vaca to Maine, and shopping and packing all during this period, which is causing and preventing anxiety at the same time. I'm really looking forward to diving into this experience, as challenging as it might be at times (and just plain wonderful at others) and hope you are just as excited to read about it!

I will see animals and plant life that I have never seen before, swim in foreign waters, dance and sing and speak with different cultures, live in different environments, and eat exotic foods throughout these four months. It will be quite an experience, indeed! I will try to post pictures and answer any questions each time I update.

As my French improves over the course of this adventure, I will try to incorporate more of it into this blog. Don't worry, I will translate it for you non-French speakers. For now, we can all wait with anticipation until my arrival in the country on January 25th! Au revoir! (Do I really need to translate that?)

Oh, PS: Here's a link to the program, if you'd like to know more about why and how I'm doing this!

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